Cyber Security Training & Software for Companies | MetaCompliance


Discover our suite of personalised Security Awareness Training solutions, designed to empower and educate your team against modern cyber threats. From policy management to phishing simulations, our platform equips your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard your organisation.

Cyber Security eLearning

Cyber Security eLearning to Explore our Award-Winning eLearning Library, Tailored for Every Department

Security Awareness Automation

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Phishing Simulation

Stop Phishing Attacks In Their Tracks With Award-Winning Phishing Software

Policy Management

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Privacy Management

Control, Monitor, and Manage Compliance with Ease

Incident Management

Take Control Of Internal Incidents And Remediate What Matters



Explore the versatility of our solutions across diverse industries. From the dynamic tech sector to healthcare, delve into how our solutions are making waves across multiple sectors. 

Financial Services

Creating A First Line Of Defence For Financial Service Organisations


A Go-To Security Awareness Solution For Governments


A Security Awareness Training Solution For Large Enterprises

Remote Workers

Embed A Culture Of Security Awareness - Even At Home

Education Sector

Engaging Security Awareness Training For The Education Sector

Healthcare Workers

See Our Tailored Security Awareness For Healthcare Workers

Tech Industry

Transforming Security Awareness Training In The Tech Industry

NIS2 Compliance

Support Your Nis2 Compliance Requirements With Cyber Security Awareness Initiatives



From posters and policies to ultimate guides and case studies, our free awareness assets can be used to help improve cyber security awareness within your organisation.

Cyber Security Awareness For Dummies

An Indispensable Resource For Creating A Culture Of Cyber Awareness

Dummies Guide To Cyber Security Elearning

The Ultimate Guide To Implementing Effective Cyber Security Elearning

Ultimate Guide To Phishing

Educate Employees About How To Detect And Prevent Phishing Attacks

Free Awareness Posters

Download These Complimentary Posters To Enhance Employee Vigilance

Anti Phishing Policy

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Case Studies

Hear How We’re Helping Our Customers Drive Positive Behaviour In Their Organisations

A-Z Cyber Security Terminology

A Glossary Of Must-Know Cyber Security Terms

Cyber Security Behavioural Maturity Model

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Free Stuff

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MetaCompliance | Cyber Security Training & Software for Employees


With 18+ years of experience in the Cyber Security and Compliance market, MetaCompliance provides an innovative solution for staff information security awareness and incident management automation. The MetaCompliance platform was created to meet customer needs for a single, comprehensive solution to manage the people risks surrounding Cyber Security, Data Protection and Compliance.

Why Choose Us

Learn Why Metacompliance Is The Trusted Partner For Security Awareness Training

Employee Engagement Specialists

We Make It Easier To Engage Employees And Create a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Security Awareness Automation

Easily Automate Security Awareness Training, Phishing And Policies In Minutes


Meet the MetaCompliance Leadership Team

Cyber Security Training for Sales Teams
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Cyber Security Training for Sales Teams
Sales departments are the face of a company, engaging with customers, managing sensitive data, and leveraging technology platforms. However, with the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, these departments are at a higher risk of cyber attacks and data breaches. In this article, we explore the specific vulnerabilities and threats that sales departments face, […]
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Conor ODoherty

Personalised security awareness
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Personalised Security Awareness Training
In 2023, the global average cost of a data breach reached an alarming $4.45 million, with a significant 82% of these incidents attributing to human error. A generic, one-size-fits-all approach to Security Awareness Training is no longer sufficient in mitigating the threat landscape. The solution lies in the strategic adoption of personalisation – a tailored approach to cyber […]
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Daniel Friel

Cyber Security in Healthcare
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Navigating Cyber Security Challenges in the NHS
The healthcare sector is a common target for cybercriminals. In fact, according to Check Point Research (CPR), healthcare organisations experienced 1,426 attacks per week in 2022. Adding to the gravity of the situation, the financial toll on healthcare due to data breaches has surged. Healthcare continues to experience the highest data breach costs of all […]
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Luke Noonan

Phishing simulation
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Phishing Simulation Best Practices
Phishing continues to be the most common form of cyber attack due its simplicity, effectiveness and high return on investment. Verizon’s 2023 DBIR found that 36% of all data breaches involved phishing.The phishing attacks taking place today are sophisticated, targeted and increasingly difficult to spot. To proactively mitigate these risks, organisations are increasingly turning to […]
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Conor ODoherty

DuckDuckGo vs Google – 5 reasons why you should give up using Google!
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
DuckDuckGo vs Google – 5 reasons why you should give up using Google!
You were not aware that DuckDuckGo is a search engine? Well, now you know. Since its founding in 2008, DuckDuckGo has made it its mission to develop a search engine that does not store or share personal data, quite unlike Google. Google’s business model is based less on data protection and more on personalised advertising. Without the storage of personal data, Google would virtually lose the air it breathes. However, Google is still the most used search engine, and there are reasons for that. Google does have one weakness, however, and that is data protection.
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Luke Noonan

What Is Tabnabbing and How Does It Work?
Phishing and Ransomware
What Is Tabnabbing and How Does It Work?
Discover what tabnabbing is, how it works, and proactive measures to protect yourself from this sneaky phishing technique targeting inactive browser tabs.
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Luke Noonan

What is DNS Spoofing and How Can You Recognize It?
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
What is DNS Spoofing and How Can You Recognise It?
Learn what DNS spoofing is, how to identify it, and safeguard your network against this malicious attack. Stay protected online.
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Luke Noonan

Ethical Hacker: Understanding the Differences between Black, White, and Grey Hats
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Ethical Hacker: Understanding the Differences between Black, White, and Grey Hats
What is an ethical hacker? Dive into the realm of black, white, and grey hat hackers, and learn about the vital role ethical hackers play in cyber security.
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Luke Noonan

Security Awareness Training for Police
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Strengthening The Shield: Security Awareness Training for Police Forces
In an era dominated by technology, police forces grapple with a myriad of challenges that render them susceptible to cyber attacks.  According to data gathered by VPNoverview, UK police forces experienced 2,386 data breaches in 2020. Considering the pivotal role police forces play in society, it becomes imperative for them to prioritise cyber security measures. […]
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Luke Noonan

Incident management
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
The Role of Automation in Incident Management
Experiencing an information security incident is not something any organisation wants to think about. Critical incidents can have a devastating impact on organisations, crippling their productivity and profit. As cybercriminals continue to advance their methods of attack, the reality is that dealing with a security incident is inevitable. It is a matter of when, not […]
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Sakib Rashid

Cyber security training for legal departments
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
The Role of Cyber Security Training in Legal Departments
With a wealth of confidential data, sensitive client information, financial transactions, and intellectual property under their care, legal professionals face unique challenges in safeguarding their digital fortresses. In April of 2023, global firm Proskauer Rose revealed that a threat actor was able to access 184,000 files containing “private and privileged financial and legal documents, contracts, […]
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Luke Noonan

Valentine's Day Phishing Scams
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Beware of Valentine’s Day Phishing Scams
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love, but unfortunately, cybercriminals view it as an opportunity to exploit emotions for their malicious gains. As we gear up to exchange tokens of affection with our loved ones, it’s crucial to stay vigilant against the rising tide of Valentine’s Day phishing scams. According to data released by […]
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Rhona O'Donnell

security awareness program
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Reporting on the Success of Your Security Awareness Program
Security awareness programs play a pivotal role in educating employees about potential risks and empowering them to contribute to a secure digital environment. In this blog post, we will delve into key metrics and strategies essential for reporting on the success of these security awareness programs. Define Clear Objectives Before delving into metrics, organisations must […]
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Rhona O'Donnell

Security Awareness Training for Executives
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Security Awareness Training for Executives
Executives have long been a prime target for cybercriminals. Due to the nature of their roles, Executives often have access to sensitive and valuable information, including strategic plans, financial data, intellectual property, and confidential company records. Highly occupied executives understandably prefer not to dwell on the prospect of becoming the next cyber attack target. However, […]
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Luke Noonan

cyber security budget
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Cyber Security Budget Review: Enhancing Cyber Security Strategies for Business Resilience
As the financial year draws to a close, organisations find themselves at a crucial juncture, evaluating their budget allocations with a keen eye on enhancing their cyber security defences. In this era where the threat landscape of cybercrime looms large, the questions that demand attention are: Have organisations invested wisely enough in safeguarding their digital […]
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Conor ODoherty