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Cyber Security in the Legal Sector

Cyber Security in the Legal Sector

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IBM’s 2023 Cost of Data Breach Report reveals a startling figure: the average financial fallout from a data breach within the professional services field, encompassing the legal sector, is a staggering $4.47 million.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of cyber security in the legal sector and share best practices to implement an awareness program that helps organisations protect sensitive data, maintain client trust, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Why Is The Legal Sector a Prime Target for Cybercrime?

Law firms are often entrusted with safeguarding highly confidential, commercially sensitive, and personally identifiable information. This makes them particularly attractive targets for cybercriminals. Let’s break down some key reasons why the legal sector is under constant threat:

Valuable information: Law firms are the custodians of a wide range of valuable information. Cybercriminals target this information for various nefarious purposes, such as insider trading, gaining an edge in legal disputes, or subverting the justice system. In April of 2023, global firm Proskauer Rose revealed that a threat actor was able to access 184,000 files containing “private and privileged financial and legal documents, contracts, non-disclosure agreements, financial deals and files relating to high-profile acquisitions.”

Operational Disruption: Disruption to routine business operations can be incredibly costly for legal practices. This disruption can stem from outages caused by cyber attacks, leading to billable hours lost and substantial financial costs for clients who depend on timely legal services. This makes legal practices highly attractive to ransomware gangs looking to extort money in exchange for restoring IT services.

Financial Transactions: In many areas of law, from mergers and acquisitions to conveyancing, law firms handle significant financial transactions. The time-sensitive nature of these transactions creates an attractive environment for phishing attacks and business email compromise, as cybercriminals aim to intercept funds in transit.

Common Cyber Attacks in the Legal Sector

Understanding the common types of cyber attacks that threaten the legal sector is a crucial step in bolstering cyber security. Here are some of the most prevalent threats:

Phishing: Phishing attacks involve cybercriminals using scam emails, text messages, or phone calls to deceive victims into visiting malicious websites. These websites can download malware onto victims’ computers or steal personal information, such as login details. In the legal sector, these attacks can compromise sensitive case data and client information.

Business Email Compromise (BEC): BEC attacks are a sophisticated form of phishing, tailored to specific individuals. Cybercriminals attempt to trick senior executives or budget holders into transferring funds or revealing sensitive information. Law firms, which frequently handle substantial financial transactions, are prime targets for BEC attacks.

Ransomware and Other Malware: Ransomware is a particularly insidious threat for the legal sector, as it encrypts or steals data, rendering it inaccessible. Cybercriminals may demand a ransom for the decryption key or threaten to publish sensitive data online. Given the highly sensitive nature of legal information, ransomware attacks can have severe consequences. In April of 2023, HWL Ebsworth, one of Australia’s largest law firms, suffered a ransomware attack by Russian-linked ransomware-as-a-service group ALPHV/Blackcat.

The Importance of Cyber Security Training in the Legal Sector

In a landscape where data breaches can cost millions and reputations hang in the balance, Security Awareness Training emerges as a linchpin of defence against cyber threats in the legal sector.

Legal professionals, irrespective of their roles, are susceptible to a range of cyber security risks. These threats often originate from within, whether through unintentional actions or malicious intent. Security Awareness Training equips legal personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to recognise and mitigate these vulnerabilities effectively.

The legal sector operates within a web of stringent data protection regulations. Infringements can result in severe legal consequences and substantial fines. Security Awareness Training ensures that employees are not only aware of these obligations but also understand how to adhere to them in their daily work.

Trust is the foundation of client relationships in the legal field. A data breach can shatter this trust, jeopardising not only the client relationship but also the firm’s reputation. Comprehensive training fosters a culture of cyber security awareness, assuring clients that their confidential information is treated with the utmost care.

Implementing Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training is a fundamental component of any cyber security strategy. It aims to create a culture of security within the law firm. Here are some key tips for implementing effective training:

Make it Regular: Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so one-time training is not enough. Regular training sessions, updates on new threats, and refresher courses should be part of the program.

Make it Relevant: Use real-life examples and scenarios that are relevant to the legal sector. This makes the training more relatable and engaging.

Role-Specific Training: Different roles within a law firm have unique responsibilities and access to various types of data. Tailor training materials to align with the specific needs of different job roles and departments. For example, partners, paralegals, and support staff may require distinct training modules that address their roles, responsibilities, and potential cyber security risks.

Interactive Elements: Implement interactive elements in the training, such as quizzes, simulations, and role-playing exercises. These activities can actively engage participants and offer practical experience in dealing with potential cyber threats. It’s a proactive way to reinforce learning and improve preparedness.

Localised Content: Consider tailoring the content to address the specific data protection and legal compliance requirements of the geographical areas where your firm operates. Localised content not only shows that the firm is attentive to the legal landscape but also resonates more deeply with employees.


In the legal sector, cyber security is not an option; it’s a necessity. Protecting client data, maintaining trust, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations are paramount. As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, law firms must remain vigilant and employ best practices to safeguard their digital assets. By prioritising cyber security, the legal sector can continue to serve clients with confidence, knowing that their sensitive information is secure.

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