ELearning Your Staff
The first time I saw Fusion I was immediately excited. I finally saw a platform that was to home our extensive library of content, known as the Elements library. Our development team have created an amazing platform that will make a huge difference to how our customers conduct their Cyber Security training.
The creative team work hard to produce high quality content and we now have over 400 pieces spanning 30 languages. Fusion enables organisations to create their own tailored eLearning courses from our Elements Library. Customers can pick and choose from our extensive content range, which includes bite-sized video training and interactions.
Creatively, fusion has opened further opportunities for our customers – we now create tailored Intros, which enables our customers to put their own unique stamp on their eLearning course. Each company can tailor specific details like the script and voice over, allowing them to communicate their own Cyber Security message. Plus, we can add our customers branding into each intro which is hugely beneficial as it helps engage staff with content that is relevant to their role.
Fusion has also initiated the possibilities of creating new topics. The creative team are continually updating the content, focusing on what matters most and what current issues need to be addressed. They are highly skilled in creating engaging content, which is essential considering the subject matter.
We have a team of highly innovative learning experts that are on hand to help customers choose their courses effectively. We work with each company individually to create Cyber Security eLearning that suits the needs of their organisation. Fusion will give you options – options that will help steer your Cyber Security in the right direction.
Cyber Security is a real and pressing issue that we can’t ignore. Our Creative Team are always looking to develop and improve the content, to ensure we are continually creating courses that can engage and educate our customers.
Our extensive Elements Library contains a mix of video content and interactions, all of which come in different styles to help showcase the topic we are addressing. We always aim to deliver eLearning that is innovative, fun, and most importantly educational. It’s eLearning that your staff will want to take.