GDPR webinar

GDPR is a subject that is on the minds of every organisation that holds data on European Citizens. It probably marks the beginning of greater regulation surrounding privacy in other countries also.
The IAPP are hosting a GDPR webinar in conjunction with MetaCompliance on this key privacy topic entitled ‘What are the 3 key stages of a GDPR project?’ This is a webinar that aims to offer practical advice as well as free resources to assist organisation plans and execute on their internal GDPR projects. The webinar is being held on the 6th of April 2017 at 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. ET, 15:00 – 16:00 GMT and will feature special guests who are experts in the privacy field.
Speaking on the topic of GDPR, Mr Robert O’Brien, CEO of MetaCompliance said “GDPR is set to be the gold standard for privacy regulation worldwide. We are working with The IAPP to provide relevant resources and education for organisations who are finding it difficult to make sense of the regulation and then implement that within a ‘business as usual’ environment.”
Participants in the webinar can expect to learn about implementation approaches along with best practice in relation to educating the rest of the organisation on this important regulation.
MetaCompliance have been developing software and content for the cyber security market since 2005 and it is our belief that organisations should recognise the natural barriers to changing behaviour and meet the user population half way by having recognisable, repeatable and high quality communications on cyber security and compliance.
We look forward to working with The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), a resource for professionals who want to develop and advance their careers by helping their organisations successfully manage these risks and protect their data.