Webinar – Jingle Bells, Phishing Smells, Hackers Go Away (18/12/2018)

November 26, 2018

Phishing scams are a persistent problem for organisations at all times of the year, however there is a steep increase in the number of scams at Christmas as hackers take advantage of distracted staff to launch targeted attacks.

When we’re distracted, mistakes happen, and Christmas tends to be the one time of the year when employees let their guard down which can result in a massive loss of sensitive data.

Cyber criminals don’t care about your internal processes around Cyber Security awareness communication. They are not stifled by the rules around staff communication.

Cyber Security awareness training needs to be a top priority and it has to be of “stand out” quality. Not the normal “techno porridge” that has been passing for Information Security and Privacy training over the last 15 years.

Cyber Security awareness is about the hearts and minds of your staff and it’s one of the biggest challenges in this new digital economy. Join us at our short webinar to hear about the best practice approaches to getting employees to participate in securing your digital assets.

This 15-minute webinar will cover:

•The seasonal phishing scams your employees need to be wary of
•The 5 key aspects of a Cyber Security Awareness program
•How Cyber Security is not about indulging in wishful thinking

The webinar will take place on the 18th December 2018, 3.00pm

Register here: https://go.metacompliance.com/webinar/phishingsmells