Cyber Security Training & Software for Companies | MetaCompliance


Discover our suite of personalised Security Awareness Training solutions, designed to empower and educate your team against modern cyber threats. From policy management to phishing simulations, our platform equips your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard your organisation.

Cyber Security eLearning

Cyber Security eLearning to Explore our Award-Winning eLearning Library, Tailored for Every Department

Security Awareness Automation

Schedule Your Annual Awareness Campaign In A Few Clicks

Phishing Simulation

Stop Phishing Attacks In Their Tracks With Award-Winning Phishing Software

Policy Management

Centralise Your Policies In One Place And Effortlessly Manage Policy Lifecycles

Privacy Management

Control, Monitor, and Manage Compliance with Ease

Incident Management

Take Control Of Internal Incidents And Remediate What Matters



Explore the versatility of our solutions across diverse industries. From the dynamic tech sector to healthcare, delve into how our solutions are making waves across multiple sectors. 

Financial Services

Creating A First Line Of Defence For Financial Service Organisations


A Go-To Security Awareness Solution For Governments


A Security Awareness Training Solution For Large Enterprises

Remote Workers

Embed A Culture Of Security Awareness - Even At Home

Education Sector

Engaging Security Awareness Training For The Education Sector

Healthcare Workers

See Our Tailored Security Awareness For Healthcare Workers

Tech Industry

Transforming Security Awareness Training In The Tech Industry

NIS2 Compliance

Support Your Nis2 Compliance Requirements With Cyber Security Awareness Initiatives



From posters and policies to ultimate guides and case studies, our free awareness assets can be used to help improve cyber security awareness within your organisation.

Cyber Security Awareness For Dummies

An Indispensable Resource For Creating A Culture Of Cyber Awareness

Dummies Guide To Cyber Security Elearning

The Ultimate Guide To Implementing Effective Cyber Security Elearning

Ultimate Guide To Phishing

Educate Employees About How To Detect And Prevent Phishing Attacks

Free Awareness Posters

Download These Complimentary Posters To Enhance Employee Vigilance

Anti Phishing Policy

Create A Security-Conscious Culture And Promote Awareness Of Cyber Security Threats

Case Studies

Hear How We’re Helping Our Customers Drive Positive Behaviour In Their Organisations

A-Z Cyber Security Terminology

A Glossary Of Must-Know Cyber Security Terms

Cyber Security Behavioural Maturity Model

Audit Your Awareness Training And Benchmark Your Organisation Against Best Practice

Free Stuff

Download Our Free Awareness Assets To Improve Cyber Security Awareness In Your Organisation

MetaCompliance | Cyber Security Training & Software for Employees


With 18+ years of experience in the Cyber Security and Compliance market, MetaCompliance provides an innovative solution for staff information security awareness and incident management automation. The MetaCompliance platform was created to meet customer needs for a single, comprehensive solution to manage the people risks surrounding Cyber Security, Data Protection and Compliance.

Why Choose Us

Learn Why Metacompliance Is The Trusted Partner For Security Awareness Training

Employee Engagement Specialists

We Make It Easier To Engage Employees And Create a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Security Awareness Automation

Easily Automate Security Awareness Training, Phishing And Policies In Minutes


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Manchester Metropolitan University

MetaCompliance and Manchester Metropolitan University Partner on Records Management eLearning Series
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Manchester Metropolitan University is one of the largest universities in the UK with a community of over 36,000 students and almost 5,000 members of staff.

While virtually every major industry faces significant cyber security and compliance challenges, higher education is particularly vulnerable. Cyber security is changing the education sector and, in recent years, cyber attacks have emerged as one of the most significant threats to universities and colleges.

80% of Further and Higher Education institutions experienced at least one successful cyber attack.

With the cyber threat landscape constantly evolving, universities have become an attractive target for cybercriminals due to the huge volume of sensitive data they manage, from personally identifiable information and alumni donations, to valuable intellectual property. This type of information can be particularly valuable to cybercriminals and, if stolen or compromised, could cause significant damage far beyond the walls of the institution.

The higher education sector is also subject to stringent compliance regulations, and failure to comply with such obligations can lead to financial penalties and reputational damage. Inevitably this has implications for universities, their working practices and record keeping procedures.

Manchester Metropolitan University recognised that educating employees about the efficient management of its records was necessary in order to support its core functions, comply with its compliance and regulatory obligations, and enable the effective operation of the organisation.

Engaging employees with eLearning

Working with MetaCompliance, Manchester Metropolitan University sought to create an engaging eLearning series that educated employees about records management, the important role it has in the organisation, and how effective records management helps to secure the organisation’s valuable assets.

“Records Management is one of those things that is so important to an organisation, but it very easily gets forgotten, and missed. It’s about risk mitigation, it brings cost savings to an organisation, it saves time, and makes everybody more efficient. This series is really important in improving standards of information management across the organisation, and it will help with the overall awareness-raising.”

MetaCompliance and Manchester Metropolitan University worked collaboratively to identify key learning objectives for the Records Management Series and relevant course topics for the university and other bodies in the UK public sector.

Based on ISO 15489, the Records Management Series addressed key topics such as naming conventions and version control, record location tracking, as well as record retention and disposal.

Personalised Content Development

MetaCompliance then applied their unique style and vision to the material, incorporating bite-sized nano videos and interactions that could be deployed to users individually, or combined into a larger course.

The ability to customise the courses with Manchester Metropolitan University’s logo, corporate colours, and branding helped to establish familiarity with the learner and create a high quality user experience.

“I’ve really enjoyed working with MetaCompliance. I think they’ve been very receptive to the challenge. I think they listened to everything that we had to say, they’ve acted on all of our feedback. It’s felt really collaborative the whole way through.”

Tailored and Targeted Training

Previously, Manchester Metropolitan University provided general guidance on records management using their internal intranet and Powerpoint presentations to staff. As such, there was no method in place to measure the effectiveness of the delivered training.

“One of our biggest challenges is the size of the organisation and getting training out in an efficient way to all of those people, as well as trying to make sure that we can reach different audiences across the University.”

Using MetaCompliance’s learning management system, Manchester Metropolitan University can now create short, custom built courses that are tailored to their specific audience and their requirements. This enables the training to be delivered in a more engaging and consumable way. Depending on an employee’s role and responsibilities in the organisation, management can ensure that the eLearning content is relevant and addresses their specific needs.

The ability to add quizzes throughout the training content, offers the opportunity for management to assess their users and ensure that the eLearning is truly understood.

The reporting functionality also provides the organisation with greater insight, and enables management to track how many users have completed the training and report on user progress.

“We’ll be looking to make comparisons where we can, because anything that we can do that shows that awareness has made an impact, is beneficial when you’re looking at project outcomes, and assessing how successful your overall project’s been. The easy reporting dashboard within MetaCompliance’s platform will be of benefit to us.”

Going forward, Manchester Metropolitan University will continue to use the Records Management Series to educate employees about records management best practices, determine user awareness levels and support regulatory compliance throughout the organisation.

Create Tailored Cyber Security and Privacy Training

For further information on how MetaCompliance can provide the best possible cyber security and privacy training for your staff, get in touch.